I bought this roll of Strathmore paper years ago.
I decided to start a drawing and see where it would lead.
I began this in August.
I work on it a little most days
and a lot now and then.
I'm working on a 10 yard roll, 42" tall.
This drawing is from my imagination.
I draw as I go.
I was drawing on my bed.
I had a piece of plywood under it.
It was still an issue.
I mentioned this drawing to a friend who
had a brilliant idea: work on the kitchen table
with an oversized piece of plywood underneath.
I don't think of these things since I would have no way
to get a large piece of wood home.
My friend brought one over.
It's hard to ask for help.
Friends are a godsend.
I worked on this section during the Holidays.
At some point, I will go back over
the work done and refine it.
I'm currently at around 7'
Moving along..