Sunday, February 23, 2025

thinking about trees

'Looking at Trees' 30x30" oil pastel; Kathleen Faulkner

I lived in the Aleutians.
There is a token mini-forest that someone had planted
decades ago.

Other than that, there are no trees to speak of
because of the intense winds.

From most vantage points
one can see, on a clear day,
other islands in the chain 
and the different weather patterns.

When I returned to the Pacific Northwest,
I felt claustrophobic for a while.

I still get very uncomfortable when the wind whips the trees.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

looking at clouds

'We are Here' 18x30" oil pastel; Kathleen Faulkner

Our small spot in the world
is full of drama.

lots of atmosphere

Any day
can change
any hour, any minute

never dull

Monday, January 20, 2025


'A Winter Day' 12x12" oil pastel; Kathleen Faulkner

I have a good view of Padilla Bay from an upstairs window.

weather and tidal action
always different
always interesting

Later today, I will explore the area in detail
while breathing in all those negative ions!

'Padilla Bay, Early Winter, 10x10" mixed media; Kathleen Faulkner

Saturday, December 28, 2024

One man's trash

I am thinking about projects for the new year. 

Garbage is everywhere.

My thought is to try to convey something beautiful that, on closer look,
reveals something not so pretty. 

Some artists build sculptures from trash.
Others, paintings.
For this project, I will be drawing garbage.

Here is some plastic garbage that I spotted along a road.
I'm hoping for a good drawing from this.

I found this used tissue paper by my garbage can.
It had escaped the landfill.
I want a better background for this future drawing. 

The reflection on my wall of some found plastic
is inspiring me to do a drawing of it.

'Remnant' 24x24" drawing; Kathleen Faulkner
I spotted this fabric among the rocks at Deception Pass. 
It had been there a while. 

Technically, it was garbage, 
but it was beautiful in an odd way.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

hope springs eternal

'May you live in interesting times.'

Well, ok.

2024 has been an interesting year. 

I could write a page or two on the blows, hardships, pain and agony

but, instead,

I will focus on the positives:

My first Museum Show, the Highlight of my year!

'Silva Cascadia, Under the Spell of the Forest'

Myself with some of my work in this show

The intreptation of the Forest by twelve women artists

        Artists l to r: Donna Leavitt, Maria Cristalli, Claire Johnson, Karen Lorene, Kathleen Faulkner, Suze Woolf, Juliet Shen, Laura Hamje, Patty Haller, Linda Davidson; not pictured: Kimberly Trowbridge, Hart James                

I also began a relationship with Perry & Carlson Gallery

this year. I had my first solo there in April. 

Perry & Carlson Gallery in Mt Vernon, WA

Gallerist, Christian Carlson and myself at my solo April, 2024

See some of the work here

My jade plant 
bloomed for the first time in over 50 years. 
I took that as a good sign.

Then this


It is hard to be discouraged when my plants are blooming.

Remnant' 24x24" graphite on paper; Kathleen Faulkner

I recently joined Earth Creative 

I feel a real kinship with this group and

I want to focus my work more on environmental issues in the future.

We must choose our battles. 

We will have an exhibition at Perry & Carlson Gallery

in May, 2025

Meet the artists here.

photo of some plastic garbage in the bushes, a future drawing

This year was a challenge but good things have come from it. 

Next year may be even more challenging
but I have hope that
we can ride out the storm.
For myself, 
 doing artwork helps keep me grounded

If we take care of each other
and work together as a community, 
 I believe we will come out better in the end.


Here's to an inspired year ahead!


Monday, November 25, 2024

*Sea Pie

'Poser' 12x12" oil pastel; Kathleen Faulkner

That place at Washington Park...

It is a curve in the road. 
Over to the side,
the stairs head downward
rocky beach to the left
flat rocks to the right.

If you are lucky,
you may spot a few 
hanging out on those 
flat rocks.

*Sea Pie,  shortened for Sea Magpie, is the original name of Oystercatcher. 

Thursday, November 7, 2024

still life

'After Party' 24x24" graphite on paper; Kathleen Faulkner

I came upon this cloth remnant lying on the beach.

It had a history

I wondered where it had been,

what it had seen, 

it's original function.

An artifact of the 21st century

Monday, October 28, 2024

In the deep

'Twilight Zone' 28x24" colored pencil on panel

That other world
dark and dreamy, mysterious
a comfort for its inhabitants

Humans swim. We float. 

Do you ever wonder what is swimming beneath you
and looking up at you
as you float along

on top of all that mystery?

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Changing Seasons

'Skeleton Crew' 18x18" oil pastel, Kathleen Faulkner

It is the Autumnal Equinox.

There is a chill in the air, leaves are turning color
 I notice the light has changed.

I like this season best
even though it
leads to the struggle of winter. 

Most living things get ready to sleep it away
and we are left 
with only a skeleton crew 
to take care of business.

Monday, September 9, 2024

end of a dry spell

     Photo: Kathleen Faulkner     

I usually create art from my mind, sometimes photos.

While walking on the beach,
I came upon this material 
all wrapped into the rocks.

Looking at it,
I knew immediately
that I wanted to create something 
from it.

A challenge!
Will I use pencil or ink?

It's going to be Large.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

the fix

'WildWood' 28x42" oil pastel on panel; Kathleen Faulkner

I like to walk early in the morning.

It is quiet, no people.

I enter this divergent community 

that I feel more comfortable in 

than my own.

As I walk,

I breathe in the tree medicine 

while the bird songs

permeate the air.

It makes the day so much better.

Friday, June 7, 2024

soft green

'The Wilds' 12x12" oil pastel on panel;
Kathleen Faulkner

I spent a lot of time in the woods as a kid.

I always imagined the moss as a blanket 
that I could use if I were ever lost.

I still think that
when I see the large, green,
carpet of living


Wednesday, May 29, 2024


'Sticks' 9x12" ink, colored pencil on paper;
Kathleen Faulkner

I live close to forests.
Moving around in them 
is like eating healthy food.

I makes me feel good.

WIP 3@6x6" ink, colored pencil;
Kathleen Faulkner

Sunday, April 28, 2024


'This Moment Becomes a Memory'
18x18" oil pastel; Kathleen Faulkner


Here comes the tide rushing in,

the second of the day.

This landscape changes 


clouds and water


I never tire of watching the action.

Each glimpse is


Friday, March 15, 2024

breathe deep


Have you noticed the distinct 

smell of a forest?

Many of the terpenes and terpenoids 

emitted by conifers

give off a lovely scent and 


good for our health.

But, aside from the scents of the forest:

A study done by Yale University had 200

people identify 80 aromas

and these are the twenty most recognizable smells.

Some smell good, some, not so much.


peanut butter

Vicks VapoRub


wintergreen oil

baby powder

cigarette butts


dry cat food


ivory bar soap

juicy fruit gum









Source: Crayola

**'A Path of Least Resistance' 18x24" oil pastel; Kathleen Faulkner

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Here we are



These different worlds:

The Salish sea, the rivers
The fields
The forests
The mountains

Each live in a unique reality
Each is a world rich and bursting with life

It's all here 
in this 

'High Life' 18x24" oil pastel; Kathleen Faulkner                     

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Field of Dreams

               'Floooded Field' 18x24" oil pastel; Kathleen Faulkner

This field that grows our food

is flooded after a storm

It is an annual occurrence.

I am grateful for these fields.

They keep development away

thanks, in part, 


Skagitonians to Preserve Farmland. 

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

something new

Claire demonstrating a general 
underpainting technique

I took an underpainting class this weekend with 
at the 

I am self-taught in the oil painting department 
so I was looking forward to this workshop.

I was not disappointed.

some tools of the trade

Claire demonstrated two different techniques.

This second technique is handy 
for night scenes and glazing.

My two underpainting examples 
that I will finish up at home.

Thank you, Claire Johnson. 
I learned so much! 

If you want to know more, 
consider her class next time!

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Time Travels

'Marine, West Coast' 24x30" oil on canvas; Kathleen Faulkner

Perry and Carlson Gallery is transitioning into Artist representation.

The grand opening of this event is April 6, 2024, 2-5pm. 

There will be a group show in one gallery 

and a solo in the main. 

I am so pleased to be the solo for this opening. 

'Time Travels'

This body of work is about my life in the Skagit. 

I have lived here now for over forty years. 

All the work that I do reflects this.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Family reunion

Extended Family, Family Portrait, Family Tree'
oil pastel; Kathleen Faulkner

 I am pleased to announce that I have artwork

 in the Museum of Northwest Art'

group show,

Silva Cascadia: Under the Spell of the Forest

This exhibition runs from February 3rd - May 12, 2024

with the opening on Saturday, February 3rd at 1pm

Following is a panel discussion from 3-4 pm

'Minders' oli pastel; Kathleen Faulkner

Featured artists include:

Maria Cristalli, Linda Davidson, Kathleen Faulkner, 

Patty Haller, Laura Hamje, Hart James,

 Claire Johnson, Donna Leavitt, Karen Lene Rudd, 

Juliet Shen, Kimberly Trowbridge, and 

Suze Woolf.

I can hardly wait to see all the great forest artwork 

in this show!


I will facilitate a free collaborative drawing event on March 9, 1:30 pm


MoNA exhibitions are always free!

'I am Madrona' oil pastel; Kathleen Faulkner

Monday, January 22, 2024

sticks, stones and other things


various objects found on walks

I am working on a series of brooches.
Some of these things will become icebergs.

They will join these:

'Berg',"4.25x1.5" sterling and reticulated silver,
plastic, acrylic; Kathleen Faulkner

'Growler' 1.75x2"sterling silver, plastic, acrylic;
Kathleen Faulkner

The sticks will join these:

'Stickpin, Again'  4.75" sterling silver, wood;  
Kathleen Faulkner

'Stickpin' 4" sterling silver, wood;
Kathleen Faulkner

Assorted stickpins, wood, sterling silver, 
madrone berry;
Kathleen Faulkner, photo by David Scherrer

Stickpin, too' 4x1" sterling silver, gouache, 
paper, mica; Kathleen Faulkner

'Stickpin' 3.5x1" sterling silver, 
gouache, paper, mica;
Kathleen Faulkner

Who knows what the other objects will be.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

How to build a Madrona Forest

I bought this roll of Strathmore paper years ago.

I decided to start a drawing and see where it would lead.

I began this in August. 
I work on it a little most days
and a lot now and then.

I'm working on a 10 yard roll, 42" tall.

This drawing is from my imagination. 
I draw as I go.

I was drawing on my bed. 
I had a piece of plywood under it. 
It was still an issue.

I mentioned this drawing to a friend who 
had a brilliant idea: work on the kitchen table 
with an oversized piece of plywood underneath.
I don't think of these things since I would have no way 
to get a large piece of wood home.

My friend brought one over.

It's hard to ask for help.

Friends are a godsend.

Kitchen table work space. 
A beautiful painting by Laura Hamje 
is keeping me company.

I worked on this section during the Holidays.
At some point, I will go back over 
the work done and refine it.

A new year and a new workspace.
I'm currently at around 7'

Moving along..