Saturday, December 28, 2024

One man's trash

I am thinking about projects for the new year. 

Garbage is everywhere.

My thought is to try to convey something beautiful that, on closer look,
reveals something not so pretty. 

Some artists build sculptures from trash.
Others, paintings.
For this project, I will be drawing garbage.

Here is some plastic garbage that I spotted along a road.
I'm hoping for a good drawing from this.

I found this used tissue paper by my garbage can.
It had escaped the landfill.
I want a better background for this future drawing. 

The reflection on my wall of some found plastic
is inspiring me to do a drawing of it.

'Remnant' 24x24" drawing; Kathleen Faulkner
I spotted this fabric among the rocks at Deception Pass. 
It had been there a while. 

Technically, it was garbage, 
but it was beautiful in an odd way.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

hope springs eternal

'May you live in interesting times.'

Well, ok.

2024 has been an interesting year. 

I could write a page or two on the blows, hardships, pain and agony

but, instead,

I will focus on the positives:

My first Museum Show, the Highlight of my year!

'Silva Cascadia, Under the Spell of the Forest'

Myself with some of my work in this show

The intreptation of the Forest by twelve women artists

        Artists l to r: Donna Leavitt, Maria Cristalli, Claire Johnson, Karen Lorene, Kathleen Faulkner, Suze Woolf, Juliet Shen, Laura Hamje, Patty Haller, Linda Davidson; not pictured: Kimberly Trowbridge, Hart James                

I also began a relationship with Perry & Carlson Gallery

this year. I had my first solo there in April. 

Perry & Carlson Gallery in Mt Vernon, WA

Gallerist, Christian Carlson and myself at my solo April, 2024

See some of the work here

My jade plant 
bloomed for the first time in over 50 years. 
I took that as a good sign.

Then this


It is hard to be discouraged when my plants are blooming.

Remnant' 24x24" graphite on paper; Kathleen Faulkner

I recently joined Earth Creative 

I feel a real kinship with this group and

I want to focus my work more on environmental issues in the future.

We must choose our battles. 

We will have an exhibition at Perry & Carlson Gallery

in May, 2025

Meet the artists here.

photo of some plastic garbage in the bushes, a future drawing

This year was a challenge but good things have come from it. 

Next year may be even more challenging
but I have hope that
we can ride out the storm.
For myself, 
 doing artwork helps keep me grounded

If we take care of each other
and work together as a community, 
 I believe we will come out better in the end.


Here's to an inspired year ahead!
