Saturday, December 30, 2017

Greetings from the Skagit

from my home to yours;  Kathleen Faulkner

It's been a difficult year.
I've had worse
but it's been a while.

The good thing about a new year is
and I have it!

I raise my glass and toast to YOU!

Here's to Peace, Joy, 
good Health and 
for us all! 


Saturday, October 28, 2017

these are trying times

'Boo'Ya Moon' 24x50" oil pastel;  Kathleen Faulkner

There are places that draw us in.
They can be beautiful yet dark, places that can go black.
We choose, to a degree, whether or not to go there.

I think most people want to be good.
I think some people go into a dark place but are still good.

Then there are a few that just go there.

Monday, September 11, 2017

it's seasonal

'That Afternoon Breeze'  20x20" oil pastel;  Kathleen Faulkner

In these warm last days of summer
I am noticing the change
Light is different  moody

and the blackberries are so ripe
I try to pick them 
but they are soggy now from the first rains
others have missed the season
they won't make it past that lovely blush of pink

the leaves are starting to turn
night comes a little earlier 
and morning is beginning to show off 
it's dew covered webs

I'm lost in these thoughts
then that afternoon breeze 
comes dancing around my head
waking me up

sending me on my way.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

family business

'Teen Town' 36x24" oil pastel;  Kathleen Faulkner

The mother stumps
run along grids
made by men with money in mind.

A new generation emerges 
from the nourishment and energy of those mother stumps

and life goes on.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

saving the world

'Horsetails' 16x16" oil pastel;  Kathleen Faulkner

 The horsetails were our handy tools when we played outside as kids.
I usually used them as swords.  
They worked well.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

soft green

'Forest Life' 16x16" oil pastel;  Kathleen Faulkner

I remember, as a kid, 
always having to touch the moss as I'd walk in the forest. 
I would imagine wrapping myself
in sheets of soft green moss, 
curling up and taking a nice long nap. 

Saturday, May 20, 2017


'An Organic Matter'  16x16" oil pastel;  Kathleen Faulkner

It's usually overwhelmingly green in the forest.
Sometimes I have to stop and look in order to see.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

another story

'Under Story' 24x48" oil pastel;  Kathleen Faulkner

It is a slow start to Spring:
cold and record rainfall here.

It is good for our water supply and the under story
which, in turn, 
is good for us.


Thursday, March 9, 2017

shades of grey

'Winter Woods' 18x24" oil pastel;  Kathleen Faulkner

It's been a long winter.

I appreciate the cold, white light but
I look forward to Spring and a little more color.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Life during wartime*

"Pay Close Attention"  12x12" oil pastel;  Kathleen Faulkner

I didn't see her at first.  

Then, the weird feeling stopped me and I backtracked.  There she was sitting quietly, majestically.  

Non human beings are innocent and have no voice.  
It is our duty as stewards of the earth to speak for them.  

*'Life During Wartime', Talking Heads

Thursday, January 19, 2017

a day in the life

'A Day in the Life' 12x12" oil pastel;  Kathleen Faulkner
It is early. 
Fog horns sound in the distance.

Hawk lands on a pole and
surveys the field
planning her strategy for the morning kill.

It's a daily thing.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Hope Springs Eternal*

blank slate, as they say

 New Year
my favorite holiday
it is so hopeful

clean up time

This last year was not so horrible
Some good things happened.

I'll have to work harder this year
more obstacles 

I can do it.

Hope springs eternal in the human breast;
Man never is, but always to be blessed:
The soul, uneasy and confined from home,
Rests and expatiates in a life to come.
– Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man *